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Là où se pose la lumière

Age of Union Centre

Mother, daughter and granddaughter, Mélanie O’Bomsawin is a videographer and a new media artist. Born to a W8banaki (Abenaki) and a Quebecer parent, she uses video in all its forms to explore her connections with the generations who came before and those who will follow. Her practice examines questions of identity, tradition, memory, and knowledge transmission through human relationships. Keenly interested in new technologies, she constantly searches for original ways to tell stories and transform how we see the world around us. The narrative sovereignty of Indigenous communities is at the forefront of O’Bomsawin’s creative philosophy. It inspires her to, one day, build the archives of the future and recreate the pixels of the past. A member of the Abenaki community of Odanak, O’Bomsawinis currently based in Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang/Montreal (Quebec).


Age of Union

Age of Union Centre

Dissipative Topologies by Nima Navab

Fall-Winter 2022
Age of Union Centre

Touched By The Tears of a Butterfly by Mike MacDonald, curated by Adrian A. Stimson

Fall-Winter 2022
Age of Union Centre

Mega Fauna by Age of Union

Fall-Winter 2022
Age of Union Centre

10 Projects by Age of Union

Age of Union Centre

Bingo by Adrian A. Stimson / 1885 by Edward Poitras

Spring/Summer 2023